Saturday, November 19, 2011

Top People and Things I am Most Thankful for, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things:

My son.  Motherhood is unquestionably my single greatest joy.  Our sweet boy is the light of my life, at times a great challenge, periodically a mystery, and always a source of wonder and inspiration.  He is a beautiful, precious, charming person that we still marvel about having created, and I am grateful for his very existence.

My husband. I am very lucky to be sharing a life with my wonderful honey.  He is a kind person with a warm smile and a good heart with whom I have a lot in common, and who makes me very happy.

My parents. My parents are and have always been, quite simply, the very best.  They are fun to hang out with, supportive, generous, caring, and of course, awesome grandparents to the sweet boy.  I am thrilled that we live in the same area and are so close.

My aunt and uncle. I have many wonderful relatives, but in particular I do have one aunt and uncle who are very special part to me.  We spend a number of holidays together, and I am thrilled that we make the effort remain involved in each others’ lives.

My mother-in-law. I think the cliché about nobody getting along with their mother-in-law is sad, and I’m glad it doesn’t apply to me. My mother-in-law is sweet, wonderful, and awesome, and I wish we got to see her more.

A Few Great Friends.  Several special people make up an extremely important part of my life.  I consider myself very lucky to have friends that, regardless of where they live or how often I see them, that I can confide in, feel support and derive sanity from, and enjoy their conversations and company immensely.  My dear Florida Lady, who is an inspiration and a rock, my special Hawaii Girl, who I miss terribly and look forward to seeing again soon, my Work Soulmate, who is so much like me it is almost frightening and who I am grateful to get to see every day at work, my Sweet D, who I don’t get to see and talk to enough but who is an amazing and wonderful person, and lastly, a relatively newer addition to my inner circle, VT Guy.  I am truly grateful to have these people in my life.

Our new home.  Our new (and hopefully final) home is a dream.  It’s large, open, beautiful, quality, warm, and situated amazingly within our great neighborhood.  It was a whirlwind of stress to get here, but now that we have settled in it is truly a happy home, where we have the room and the means to live comfortably.  I look forward to making a lifetime of memories and raising our son here.

Our Supper/Book Club.  Two of our favorite couples come over every month for food, bonding, and book dissection.  It is one of the most treasured days each month for me.  It’s great to spend time with them, it’s touching that they’re willing to explore and cook delicious and creative dishes while navigating my tough food limitations, and it’s enriching to read books that I probably wouldn’t otherwise.  I can’t thank them enough for becoming a part of this tradition, which is going on two years now and hopefully will continue for many more.

Our son’s teacher/school/aftercare program.  This year was a big transition for us, from a small private school for Kindergarten to a huge public school for 1st Grade.  He has made the transition with flying colors, and I give significant credit to the school itself, who does a great job of making it feel like a community despite its size, to his fabulous teacher who is amazing, and to the sweet and fun people who work at his aftercare program.  I am beyond grateful.

My Boss. I am pleased to have a boss who is brilliant but also respectful of and trusting in me, a good guide but also someone who lets me work without interference.  She’s a great person too, and I hope she doesn’t retire for a long time. 

Other Top Contenders:

My iPhone.

My Parents’ Beach House.

Flame Red Maple Trees.

What are you most thankful for in your life?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You Can't Be Serious?!

It's November already?  Shut UP!!  Omg, Fall is in full swing, the leaves are gorgeous, it's getting more cold more often, Halloween has come and gone, Thanksgiving is in a little over 2 weeks, and it gets dark at 5:15 and earlier each day.

Shortly before Halloween, I was in my doctor's office, and I got THE CHAT.  The "you have to lose weight" chat, the "you have been steadily gaining weight over the last few years and you hold it around your middle where it is the least healthy and combined with your family history of diabetes and admitted inability to control your sugar intake is fairly indicative of a predisposition for diabetes" chat.  She said I really need to give up sugar and white starches entirely to get it under control.  Clearly, this was the catalyst I've been needing!

So, I gave it my best effort.  Cold turkey, right before Halloween (aka Candy Hell), and the week before starting my cycle, which is a tough one where eating is concerned.  I did it for a solid 6 days before I caved.  I felt truly the effects of it being a detox the first few days, increased fatigue and irritability, the whole bit.  Thing is, rather than getting easier day by day, it got harder.  And when I stepped off the wagon, I assured myself it was only temporary, to quell the madness and to soldier on the next day.  But sugar addiction doesn't work that way, and one day turned into 6 before I knew it.

But moderation has never worked for me, either, so what to do?  I'm by no means giving up, I can't.  This is completely different than wanting lose weight as I always have, this is a doctor I trust telling me something that scares me.  But all my usual excuses keep whispering in my ear, like can't start right before my cycle, can't start right before/during the holidays, too busy, too much going on, etc.  And I need to tell those excuses to shove it, or they will end up killing me eventually.  I am going to figure out how to go as many days as I can with being solid on the right kind of eating before I need a day to relax a little, and then I need to figure out how to do THAT without falling flat on my face and staying there.  There has to be an answer to it.  I will find it.