Friday, January 9, 2009


I am grateful that my professional organization is offering online webinar training sessions this year to maintain my certification. I have to get a lot of credits by the year's end, and I don't generally have the time, interest, or money to go to outside sessions. Right now I am earning credit while working (and blogging!)

I am grateful that it is mere hours from the weekend, and I will be spending it with my family and a few friends, relaxing and getting caught up around the house. This week was a hard adjustment for me getting back into the post-holidays routine!

I am grateful that my "cycle" started today, and as a result the hormonal cloud that was making this week seem even harder has started to lift. I am further grateful that my "off the wagon" time doesn't seem to have caused me to backtrack too far in my weight loss and fitness efforts. I plan to resume tonight/tomorrow with a vengeance!

I am grateful to see the sun shining, even though I am missing being out in it and it is supposed to be gone again tomorrow...

I am also grateful that my new boss is willing to let me telecommute on Mondays. It makes the full-length weeks seem a little easier, even if I am expected to accomplish the same amount of work.

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