Tuesday, March 9, 2010

39 to Happiest in 365: Day 8

Hm.  I've had two days of relative success in eating my targeted amount of calories, and in squeaking by burning barely enough.  No, I'm not working out hard daily yet as I need to be, but the food is a huuuuge start.  Two days is way too early to even be cautiously optimistic, but I feel good about it, anyway.  Have plenty to talk about but it's late, and I never seem go to be early enough.  Last night was a sleep disaster due to the small boy throwing up randomly in the middle of the night.  Thankfully it appeared to be an isolated incident, but it made for a sucky night nonetheless.  Being too tired at work is the perfect storm for terrible junk food benders for me, so I need to nip it in the bud and hit the hay.  'Nite.

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