Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Slogging Through; Commencing Diva Level 4!

So, I'm moving through my workouts, plodding along to the big tri in 2.5 weeks. I know I can do it, but it will definitely be tougher than I had planned/hoped. Put in another ride on the bike course on Tuesday eve (yesterday). Did I mention that those hills suck royal ass? I definitely do NOT aspire to achieve the red polka dots, green all the way, baby! My legs started out feeling even more lead-like than the previous time, I guess there's just less gas left in the tank after a workday. Luckily I had my new workout buddy to prevent me from changing the course to a more flat route. Thank you, Chuck! :) I did raise my seat and figured out how to stand to climb, so even though it felt a lot worse than before, I think we went faster. I keep forgetting to time it.

I will beat myself up if I don't get to the pool tomorrow!!!

Despite still eating like a maniac, I've taken back off 2 of the 5 pounds I had lost then regained. Sigh...

My DivaFit class (pole dance) "Level 4" starts tonight. My very favorite workout of the week! :) Sometime in the next couple of weeks we start to learn "inversions", which means hanging upside down from the pole. Surely that is a joke! I look forward immensely to the Level 6 graduation performance opportunity, but I fear I may get stuck at Level 4 for a while. With some extra pounds and weak shoulders and abs, I may not make it through these moves quite yet. We'll see!

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