Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Light Switch is ON

I'm cooking with heat now!  Over the last few days I've continued to count and log my calories, have stayed within range of my target, have been getting my workouts in, was using the stairs at work, and even managed to keep control of my portions through our monthly supper club and not get knocked off the wagon.  I did have a sugar withdrawal headache a couple days in, and although I'm not eating zero of it I am eating very little.  I already have more energy, despite the gym-induced body soreness.  My husband has been having his own success too, so there isn't someone snacking in the evening in my face, I have a partner in crime at work to lean on, and the planets just seem to have generally aligned for me to really make this happen.  So happy!  I will report the scale's progress on Wed.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Awesome!!! I'm so glad things are working well for you. It's a great feeling to have such a healthy trend going, isn't it?