Friday, September 5, 2008

No Dice This Week!

Ok, so I really took care of myself and a LOT of personal business on vacation last week.  You name it, I got it done.  I was at my parents beach house for 12 days, the longest vacation in at least 5 or 6 years, and in that time I finished up some of my work and sent it to my boss, paid the bills, did extensive preparation for the upcoming bridal showcase, (including roping in no less than THREE people to help me for free with the graphics/printing, my website, and help at the event-I feel very loved!), worked on potty training the kid, exercised a ton, and even fit in some beach time and relaxing with the family.  Shockingly, I also refrained from eating my chocolate cryptonite.  So what went wrong, you say?

Upon returning home, my life this week was a bit of a bear, as I expected.  I had set myself up for the Perfect Storm, and it delivered!  (In advance of Hanna, even.)  The pressure was on to get each of three printing items for the bridal show ordered from different sources, while being victim of hideous rush charges, praying to be received on time, all while my dear graphic volunteer is about to bust out a baby.  In addition it was a hideous week at my job.  I spent the whole morning today with the phone at full arm's length being yelled at by various representatives of an application over a verdict over which I have little control, and even less control of the schedule.  It is a church request, and this guy actually invoked the Bishop on me. My boss declined to intervene on my behalf.  In addition, I had two back-to-back nights of Fantasy Football Drafts, which I love dearly but would have preferred to be any week other than this one.  Too much brain space, and no time to get help with the kid to pay enough attention.  I overpaid for Ben Rothlisberger, when I surely could have had him for free and don't even particularly like him.  (I also promptly forgot to submit my lineups before gametime Thursday and accidentally benched a great player!)  

In addition, early in the week I experienced the 10th and 11th iterations of "What will become of Cathy's career?"  In this episode our hero learns that the job she reluctantly wants to return to full time so as to secure the right spot in the long run and to not be fired with the budget cuts will not be hers, despite being exceptionally qualified, having held it before, and being wanted for it by the boss.  5 supervisors for me, one division director against me, I lose. (I'm so tired of choosing between rock and a hard place, each time I pick one the other happens instead!)  Then just today, I am offered a different job, one which I expect to abhor, but will probably take, because we're going broke at a rapid clip and it also seems like the only way to guarantee keeping my foot in the door for the big picture.  

Lastly, the planets further aligned (or is it misaligned, in this case?) such that my dear laptop containing every scrap of my personal information, needed emails, contacts, and yes my precious CALENDAR with every appointment that my over-frazzled mom brain couldn't dream of retaining went belly up!  I had AGAIN to beg for discount help.  My dad, his office geek, and the Geek Squad delivered, at least I think they did.  I don't have time to search for all the drivers, instructions, etc. that I need to complete rebirth, but I have my data in some format or other on a portable hard drive.  Hoping it will be let out sometime soon like a genie in a bottle.  If I live through the bridal show with a good looking booth and muster up the energy to overcome my introvertedness for 4 straight hours while selling myself to total strangers, it'll be a damn miracle.  But, thus far I am staving off the nervous breakdown.  And I haven't turned back to chocolate-yet.  Stay tuned.  

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